Post Template Format for Apps or Games

You can see that APP's post on APMODY has a special look or style. It aims so that visitors can distinguish between posting articles or ordinary content with downloaded content or APP reviews. So the appearance of the blog will look more attractive and unique.

Well, to make posts like that, APMODY uses label names for certain posts, such as _Apps labels for Apps posts and _Games for Games posts.

So what styles or appearances are different between regular posts and APP?
Here are some excellent features that distinguish APP posts from others. asked :

  • 2 APP Thumbnails : there are two thumbnails in APP posts, namely icon (square shape / 1:1 scale) and rectangle (optional). This rectangular thumbnail is used to align the appearance of APP posts with article posts in grid mode, and is also used in the APP download step.
  • Custom Snippet APP : to display detailed information about APP. This feature is the most prominent in terms of appearance for APP posts.
  • 2 Steps to download the APP : every visitor who will download the APP will pass at least 2 pages (2 steps) to be able to download the file. It aims to increase pageviews and CTR of ads on blogs, in other words to increase ad revenue on blogs.

Kamu bisa lihat pada postingan APP di APMODY mempunyai tampilan atau style khusus. Itu bertujuan agar pengunjung bisa membedakan antara postingan artikel atau konten biasa dengan konten download atau review APP. Jadi tampilan blog pun akan terlihat lebih menarik dan unik.

Nah, untuk membuat postingan seperti itu APMODY memanfaatkan nama label pada postingan tertentu, seperti label _Apps untuk postingan Apps dan _Games untuk postingan Games.

Jadi, style atau tampilan apa saja yang dibedakan antara postingan biasa dan APP?
Disini ada beberapa fitur yang unggulan yang membedakan postingan APP dengan yang lain. diantanya :

  • 2 Thumbnail APP : ada dua thumbnail pada postingan APP, yaitu icon (bentuk persegi / skala 1:1) dan persegi panjang (opsional). Thumbnail persegi panjang ini digunakan untuk menyelaraskan tampilan postingan APP dengan postingan artikel pada mode grid, dan juga digunakan pada step download APP.
  • Custom Snippet APP : untuk menampilkan detail informasi tentang APP. Fitur ini yang paling menonjol dari segi tampilan untuk postingan APP.
  • 2 Langkah untuk unduh APP : setiap pengunjung yang akan mengunduh APP akan melewati setidaknya 2 halaman (2 steps) untuk bisa mengunduh file yang tersebut. Ini bertujuan meningkatkan pageview dan CTR iklan pada blog, dengan kata lain untuk meningkatkan penghasilan iklan pada blog.

Template post apps or games

For app post templates, there are 3 important pieces of content that must be present for each post. that is :

Untuk template postingan app, ada 3 konten penting yang harus ada untuk setiap postingan. yaitu :

APP Thumbnail Post

<!-- Thumbnail ApGm --><noscript><img src="url_icon_image_app"/><img class='altImg' src="url_alt_image_app"/></noscript>

APP Detail Information

<!-- Details ApGm --><div class="pAG">  <div>    <div><small>Name</small><span class="apName">app_name</span></div>    <div><small>Package Name</small><span><a href="url_playstore_app" rel="noopener" target="_blank">name_package_app</a></span></div>  </div>  <div>    <div><small>Publisher</small><span>publisher_name</span></div>    <div><small>Category</small><span>app_category</span></div>  </div>  <div>    <div><small>Version</small><span class="apVersi" data-text="text_apk">app_version</span></div>    <div><small>Size</small><span class="apSize">app_size</span></div>  </div>  <div>    <div><small>Price</small><span class="apPrice">app_price</span></div>    <div><small>Requires</small><span class="apReq">os_platform</span></div>  </div>  <div class="s">    <div><small>MOD Features</small><span class="apMod" data-text="text_mod">app_mod_features</span></div>    <div><small>Link Download</small><span>available_download_link</span></div>  </div></div>

Available APP Download Link

<!-- Link DL ApGm --><div id="ldApGm">      <!-- Link DL with tag a -->    <a href="link_DL_app" data-text="filename_DL_app" data-size="app_size">        <!-- with icon app (select one) -->        <div class="lazy" data-text="alt_img_icon" data-style='background-image:url(url_icon_app)'></div>        <!-- without icon app (select one) -->        <!-- <div data-text="alt_img_icon"></div> -->        <div>            <span>app_name <b>app_version</b></span>            <div>                <span class="apk" data-text="text_apk"></span>                <span class="mod" data-text="text_mod">app_mod_features</span>            </div>        </div>    </a>    <!-- Link DL without tag a -->    <div data-link="link_DL_app" data-text="filename_DL_app" data-size="app_size">        <!-- with icon app (select one) -->        <div class="lazy" data-text="alt_img_icon" data-style='background-image:url(url_icon_app)'></div>        <!-- without icon app (select one) -->        <!-- <div data-text="alt_img_icon"></div> -->        <div>            <span>app_name <b>app_version</b></span>            <div>                <span class="apk" data-text="text_apk"></span>                <span class="mod" data-text="text_mod">app_mod_features</span>            </div>        </div>    </div></div>

Order of post apps or games templates

<!-- Thumbnail ApGm --><!-- Details ApGm --><!-- more --><!-- additional content for posts --><!-- Link DL ApGm --><!-- additional content for posts -->

Examples of post apps or games template formats

<!-- APP Thumbnail Post --><noscript><img src="url_icon_image_app"/><img class='altImg' src="url_alt_image_app"/></noscript><!-- End APP Thumbnail Post --><!-- APP Detail Information --><div class="pAG">  <div>    <div><small>Name</small><span class="apName">app_name</span></div>    <div><small>Package Name</small><span><a href="url_playstore_app" rel="noopener" target="_blank">name_package_app</a></span></div>  </div>  <div>    <div><small>Publisher</small><span>publisher_name</span></div>    <div><small>Category</small><span>app_category</span></div>  </div>  <div>    <div><small>Version</small><span class="apVersi" data-text="text_apk">app_version</span></div>    <div><small>Size</small><span class="apSize">app_size</span></div>  </div>  <div>    <div><small>Price</small><span class="apPrice">app_price</span></div>    <div><small>Requires</small><span class="apReq">os_platform</span></div>  </div>  <div class="s">    <div><small>MOD Features</small><span class="apMod" data-text="text_mod">app_mod_features</span></div>    <div><small>Link Download</small><span>available_download_link</span></div>  </div></div><!-- End APP Detail Information --><p>Short description of the app, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</p><!-- more --><!-- Table of Contents --><details class='sp toc s1'>  <summary data-show='Show all' data-hide='Hide all'>Table of contents</summary>    <div class='toC' id='toContent'></div></details><!-- End Table of Contents --><!-- Gallery image APP --><div class='galWrp'>  <img class="c sz" alt="title_image" src="url_image"/>  <img class="c sz" alt="title_image" src="url_image"/>  <img class="c sz" alt="title_image" src="url_image"/>  <img class="sz" alt="title_image" src="url_image"/>  <img class="sz" alt="title_image" src="url_image"/></div><!-- End Gallery image APP --><h2>Introduce about APP</h2><p>Introduce about APP ...</p><h3>Gameplay</h3><p>Gameplay ...</p><h3>Graphics</h3><p>Graphics ...</p><h2>MOD APK version of APP</h2><p>MOD APK version of APP ...</p><h3>MOD feature</h3><ul>  <li>MOD feature 1..</li>  <li>MOD feature 2..</li>  <li>MOD feature 3..</li></ul><h2>Download APP APK & MOD for ...</h2><p>Download APP APK & MOD for ...</p><h3 class="title n">Available Versions of APP</h3><!-- Available APP Download Link --><div id="ldApGm">      <!-- Link DL with tag a -->    <a href="link_DL_app" data-text="filename_DL_app" data-size="app_size">        <!-- with icon app -->        <div class="lazy" data-text="alt_img_icon" data-style='background-image:url(url_icon_app)'></div>        <div>            <span>app_name <b>app_version</b></span>            <div>                <span class="apk" data-text="text_apk"></span>                <span class="mod" data-text="text_mod">app_mod_features</span>            </div>        </div>    </a>    <!-- Link DL with tag a -->    <a href="link_DL_app" data-text="filename_DL_app" data-size="app_size">        <!-- with icon app -->        <div class="lazy" data-text="alt_img_icon" data-style='background-image:url(url_icon_app)'></div>        <div>            <span>app_name <b>app_version</b></span>            <div>                <span class="apk" data-text="text_apk"></span>                <span class="gp" data-text="text_other"></span>            </div>        </div>    </a></div><!-- End Available APP Download Link --><p>closing sentence, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</p>

APP post generator tool

For those of you who are not very familiar with html, using a generator tool is the right choice. You can access the tools at the following link: Post Generator APP.

Bagi kamu yang tidak begitu paham dengan html, menggunakan alat generator adalah pilihan yang tepat. Kamu bisa mengakses toolsnya ditautan berikut : Post Generator APP.

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Enter Image URL / Code Snippets / Quotes / name tag, then click parse button accordingly that you have entered. then copy the parse result and paste it into the comment field.

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